It's been awhile. I know. I don't really need this thing anymore. There isn't much I don't want my friends to know about anymore...
Except the girls.
Two to be exact.
One is completely perfect for me but also completely straight. I saw her for the first time since January yesterday and we talked for two and a half hours in our favorite coffee shop. It was so amazing. I don't know another person I can do that with. Why must she be straight?
I invited her and one of her friends to a party a my house and she showed up. I got trashed and tried my hardest not to come on to her. I think I succeeded. I have one more week of spring break. I know nothing will happen with her but maybe we'll have some more amazing conversations.
The other girl is a little more attainable in that she is bisexual and goes to my college. I feel like there is a flirtation and that if I were more outgoing something could happen. Too bad I'm not.
Well that's pretty much all I've got to say.
-Suburban Bleach