Friday, January 18, 2008

Black Eye

So um, I have a lot of updates from the past week or so
  1. After getting to know crush girl a lot better, I find her extremely annoying. She really wants to come off as cool and edgy but it's really just attention whorish and she never stops talking about herself. I'm totally over her.
  2. Janet and I have decided that she is Shane and I am Dana (without the breast cancer).
  3. I have been sick for the past week, which really sucks especially since midterms are next week.
  4. I got into University of New England with a scholarship but I really don't want to go there.
  5. I had a major freak out tonight when I realized that my grades will hinder me from getting into any of my top choice schools.
  6. (Probably the most serious) Last Thursday my grandmother had a stroke and just got out of the hospital and on Monday my grandfather got sick and is in the hospital. My dad is going down to Florida to visit my grandfather next week and my mom has been spending most of her time with my grandmother.
So yeah, I'm really horribly stressed out lately and I'm pretty depressed. I really don't feel like there is anything good to look forward to in the coming weeks and I can't wait until school is over.

-Suburban Bleach

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