Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pocket Bomb

This week has been very busy/interesting. Yesterday was the premiere of the documentary and my family loved it (although their opinions are very skewed).

I also found out yesterday that Tofu misses being friends with RK and me, which I find very interesting because I always assumed she hated us as much as we despised her. Its her fault though. She shouldn't have taken us for granted and completely ignored us because some "cool" upperclass scenester wanted to be her friend. Now she has no friends and she has to deal with it. Her mom waved to me at the library today and that was kind of awkward but I bet she wishes that RK and I were still friends with Tofu because we are such a better influence than the losers she replaced us with.

In other news, my guidance counselor completely crushed all my dreams and hopes of going to college. She told me every single one of the schools (that other students from my high school have applied to) I am applying to are reach schools. Come on, SUNY Stony Brook is not a reach. Ugh, now she wants me to apply to Florida Institute of Technology. Ew. I'm not even gonna look at it when I go to Florida this weekend.

Uh anyway, tomorrow will be awesome. I'm going see Barack Obama speak at Washington Square Park. I've been kinda on the fence about who to vote for in the primaries (I can't believe I will be able to vote in the primaries next year!) and hopefully this will sway me one way or the other.

I'm so freaking hungry. Peace out.

-Suburban Bleach

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Her Last Day

I'm officially unemployed! Woo! No more waking up at 6:00 AM every Saturday and Sunday morning anymore... oh wait, actually I'll be getting up earlier now because my parents believe in red eye flights. Eh, visiting colleges is ten times better than working at that hell hole of a job with the god awful manager.

Anyway, I said before that PW has been annoying me lately but I hung out with her and the usual gang on Friday night and she told me she actually agreed with one of my points during our GSA argument. I also found out that everyone has been having a problem with SB lately, not just me. I'm very relieved.

Now I'm off to use el bano.

-Suburban Bleach

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Half Fiction

That Parent Council thing was really annoying. I had to talk about the Gay/Straight Alliance and I was really nervous. Nobody came up to talk to me either after words either. Today there was an actual meeting and two new people showed up. That was kinda cool but DV was being a total bitch, trying to be cool and stuff to the underclassman. Ugh, I think she's acting that way because we don't hang out anymore. We have a very complicated past (we made out a few times and she had a crush on me at one point) but we don't have much in common anymore and she's very immature for a senior (though I'm not that great of a judge). Yeah, so that was annoying.

PW has also been very annoying lately. She's been acting way too superior and shit. She may be extremely intelligent but she doesn't have to be so smug about it. Ugh, her take on the GSA kinda pissed me off too.

In more positive news, I got an A- on my first AP English paper of the year. I'm very proud of it too because it was about one of my favorite books, The Executioner's Song.

Anyway, I really want a girlfriend but I'm too shy to initiate anything with anyone although I believe a freshman girl may have a crush on me.

Uh, I really need to study for my AP Environmental test. Good Night

-Suburban Bleach

Monday, September 17, 2007

Torn Jeans

The weekend was kinda fun. I hung out with a lot of people, did a lot of fun and crazy stuff, quit my job, and finally bought a new pair of jeans after two years. Overall, this weekend was a success.

Anyway, the first gay/straight alliance meeting of the year is on Thursday and I'm pretty certain that only the usuals will show up and that's like three people. On Wednesday night I have to go to the Parent Council and talk about the club. Ugh, first off I'm going to miss the premiere of America's Next Top Model and second I have nothing to say. All we really do in GSA is talk about Project Runway and watch movies. Oh man, I wish SB didn't have a tennis match.

Uh, otherwise life is pretty swell. School's not killing me yet and my friends have been awesome. My only qualm is that tofu (my former best friend whom I hate with a passion) has been switching into a bunch of my classes. Ugh.

That's it for tonight. I have a hundred pages of Pride and Prejudice to read.

-Suburban Bleach

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Half The Time

I have been having some issues with my electronics lately. My ipod has decided to malfunction (conveniently right after the ipod classics were released) and my camera disappeared but I was able to retrieve it today to much relief.

Anyway, tonight was so much fun. JS, AF, RM, and I went to IHOP for dinner then drove around for a while (and spotted a bitchy girl in our grade being pulled over). It was great. I love spending time with my friends although I'm starting to have some real issues with SB. She can be very annoying and in need of attention at all times. She can also be kinda condescending especially when I told her I was applying to Reed. She basically said I wasn't smart enough to get it. Whatever, I don't even want to go there. I want to go to College of the Atlantic. It seems so cool and I'm going to visit it in a few weeks.

It's so weird that in a year I'm gonna be in college. I was looking at pictures of my brother and me when we were little and I can't believe that we're getting older. I still feel like a six year old sometimes. Oh man.

-Suburban Bleach

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Sun Comes Up

Oh man, I've really been lacking in entries later. Well school just started and I found out that as a senior you have a ton of homework from the get go (well only in AP classes). It's ten times better than work though so I'm not complaining.

Anyway, last night was pretty awesome. KG threw a birthday party and I got to see PH who is the coolest guy I know. I also got to meet the infamous HW who was just as excited to meet me as I was to meet her. Apparently RK hyped us up for each other. There was also this guy there who was kinda creepy and hit on me (despite being a total closet case and being aware of my orientation) and asked me if he could drive me home (Thankfully JS had already offered).

I kinda really bonded with PH last night, mostly over our gayness/lesbianess. We played the gay/lesbian stereotype game (kinda like this) and PH and I both failed (while closeted creepy guy passed with flying colors) because of his lack of knowledge of Margaret Cho and Barbara Streisand and my lack of flannel clothing and my knowledge of fashion. We also had a conversation about how there are no gay people in our towns and how hard it is to get a date and that led into a conversation about our exes and how stereotypically gay/lesbian they were (aka gay guys only wanting sex/lesbians wanting to get serious really fast). It was pretty cool being able to talk to someone about that kinda stuff.

So yeah, I gotta do some homework.

-Suburban Bleach

Monday, September 3, 2007

I Do I Don't

I was just listening to "I Just Do" by Go Sailor and man some of those lyrics really relate to my feelings towards Janet.

somebody took all the things that
I wish for the most and put them in you, in you
I know that I shouldn't like you this much I can't help it
oh well, I just do
I just do

I said that being your friend was okay
you called when I wasn't home yesterday
I offered romance to you by mistake
still you laugh at most every joke that I make
That was kinda pointless.

-Suburban Bleach

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Uptown Subway

I'm so pissed off at my dad. He canceled the barbecue because he's been in a bad mood lately just because my step mom's friend is staying over. Ugh, it's not like he can't go in his freaking room and has to sleep on the couch in the family and has no personal space. God, if anyone had a right to be grumpy it's me and I haven't. I've been really nice to the kids and their mother and helped them out and hung out with them. It's so frustrating.

Anyway, in good news, last night was pretty awesome (although SZ and I got lost (which is pretty sad because I've been to the Knitting Factory a million times) and ended up on Christopher street but we did eventually get there). I'm so glad that SZ didn't have to cancel on me.

I have to go work on my AP Environmental project.

-Suburban Bleach