Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pocket Bomb

This week has been very busy/interesting. Yesterday was the premiere of the documentary and my family loved it (although their opinions are very skewed).

I also found out yesterday that Tofu misses being friends with RK and me, which I find very interesting because I always assumed she hated us as much as we despised her. Its her fault though. She shouldn't have taken us for granted and completely ignored us because some "cool" upperclass scenester wanted to be her friend. Now she has no friends and she has to deal with it. Her mom waved to me at the library today and that was kind of awkward but I bet she wishes that RK and I were still friends with Tofu because we are such a better influence than the losers she replaced us with.

In other news, my guidance counselor completely crushed all my dreams and hopes of going to college. She told me every single one of the schools (that other students from my high school have applied to) I am applying to are reach schools. Come on, SUNY Stony Brook is not a reach. Ugh, now she wants me to apply to Florida Institute of Technology. Ew. I'm not even gonna look at it when I go to Florida this weekend.

Uh anyway, tomorrow will be awesome. I'm going see Barack Obama speak at Washington Square Park. I've been kinda on the fence about who to vote for in the primaries (I can't believe I will be able to vote in the primaries next year!) and hopefully this will sway me one way or the other.

I'm so freaking hungry. Peace out.

-Suburban Bleach

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