Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Ugh, I'm sick with Walking Pneumonia. It sucks especially since I have two projects and a quiz this week in school and I haven't been able to work on anything since I left all my stuff at school on Friday.

Despite my illness, I did go out and vote today. It was very exciting to press the Barack Obama button, making my support for him official. I can't wait to vote in the election (even if Hilary is the democratic nominee).

Anyway, I'm pretty sure Tofu sent me a message on my honesty box on facebook. It said "I wish you didn't hate me" and I automatically sent "I don't hate anyone" before realizing that it was very likely that it was her. I don't hate her but I dislike her immensely and I don't want her to think that I'm going to forgive her anytime soon. Ugh, high school drama.

I'm off to eat dinner.

-Suburban Bleach

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