Sunday, March 16, 2008


I try not to write too much about my former best friend, Tofu, on my blog but I was just listening to a song called "Dog" by Lemuria and the lyrics perfectly described the non relationship that Tofu and I have now from her perspective. Here are the lyrics:
I feel like you've died and I want you back
But I know that I will never see you again
Walking around trying to keep my mouth shut
While the pity piles up
Like a goddamn dog with it's tail between it's legs
Ashamed of trying to butter up your obituary
At least I can say I tried with you
The only line that doesn't work is the last. She never tried. She gave up on our friendship no good reason. I remember in eighth grade I said, "You'll be super punk rock and we won't even be talking to me when you turn 16."

Thinking about her makes me depressed.

-Suburban Bleach

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