Monday, October 15, 2007

History Is History

I hate to sound like a stereotypical lesbian but my cat is so freaking adorable. I just went into the kitchen to put up a pot for pasta and my cat was standing on the island and when she's usually up there I shmoose with her but today I just stared at her to see her reaction. She was taken aback and stood still for a few minutes and then started leaning forward like she was saying, "Come on, already!" It was so cute that I can almost forgive her for sneaking out of the house today.

Anyway, I think I may be crushing on someone but if my friends ever found out, they would freak out because many of them have a weird past with her. I don't really know her that well but lately I have been trying to become friendly with her because, despite my friends' issues, I think she's okay (and hot). I dunno what I'm gonna do about this weird crush thing. I'm not going to act on it because she identifies as straight (despite how much she sets off my gaydar) so it's not like my friends will ever find out.


-Suburban Bleach

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