Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sleeping Motor Boy

Wow, I've really been lax in updating this thing. Eh, whatever. It's my journal.

So, I went to Portland this weekend and just got back a few hours ago. It's a really awesome city. I kinda really want to live there one day. Maybe after college. I really loved Lewis and Clark College and it has given me some doubt about whether I want to apply early decision to College of the Atlantic. I'll probably figure it out by December 1.

I'm very very happy that I'm finally done with looking at colleges for a month and I only have one left, University of Washington during Thanksgiving Break. Yes! I can finally be social again. I have been horribly deprived of contact with my buddies outside of school.

Anyway, crush update: On Friday, basically all of my friends were either on an Italian class trip or not in school so I started talking to crush girl and I found out a lot about her that I didn't know like that she has no clue what underground pop punk or american hardcore actually is (despite claiming to be a huge fan) but the fact that she thinks she likes that stuff makes me like her more.

On a more somber note, a few really shitty things happened this week. First, OiNK, an awesome bit torrent website was hijacked by Interpol (the police, not the band) and the owner was arrested.

Second, which I was really upset over almost all of yesterday, is that Lance Hahn, one of the greatest musicians in the modern pop punk movement, died on Sunday. I love J Church and Cringer and I think he was an amazing musician and I really can't believe he's dead. The lines "I don't believe in god above or the devil below/And I don't believe I'll need some proof before I go" from his song "Blasphemous" have been going through my head the past few days. God, I just with shit like this didn't happen to good people.

Sorry that this ended so somberly.

-Suburban Bleach

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