Monday, August 27, 2007

Successfully Delirious

I no longer feel like a social pariah. I hung out with JS and KG (who ditched me twice last night) tonight and realized that we mesh well together. I don't think I have hung out with just the two of them before and our personalities work well together. I'm the crazy and loud one always trying to get a laugh out of everyone, while JS is quiet with a dry sense of humor and only talks when she has something to say and KG is the middle ground. Even though we didn't really do anything I still had a blast with them just talking over ice cream. We are all also in the same AP Environmental class and lab and that is awesome.

Anyway, before I had a chance to hang out with my friends tonight I had to clean out my room at my dad's house because my step mom's friend and her two sons are coming to visit (meaning both my room and the guest room will be occupied so I will have to sleep on the couch in the family room). I also had to put in a new dresser (well my grandmother's old dresser that she gave me in May and my dad and I never got around to putting in) and move my desk so I was able to go through a lot of my old junk.

I've always known I was a pack rat but the contents of my old dresser were ridiculous even to me. I hadn't used it in several years because I'm lazy and just leave my clothing on a chair so almost every article of clothing was from middle school. After I finished that purge I was pretty much emotionally drained (it's a weird obsessive thing) and I realized I had to clean out the drawers in my desk which were filled with fast food restaurant toys that were at least five years old. I threw out almost everything except globe shaped yo-yo and a softball I found on the high school field when I was little. At that point I pretty much was ready to murder anyone in my immediate family, especially since I hadn't eaten anything since lunch (it was about 8:30 PM when I finished).

But after I ate dinner, my mom informed me of a phone call from KG and it completely changed my attitude about the night.

Oh and editing sucked. J was controlling, as usual and E was going crazy over little details (which isn't that usual).

I need to go to sleep.

-Suburban Bleach

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